The best weed control for any yard is a thick, dense turf. In conjunction with proper mowing at least 3 1/2” high, you can achieve a crabgrass free lawn! Our precisely timed, pre-emergent crabgrass control is applied as part of the early spring application with our five-application, Total Lawn Care Program.
A post-emergent crabgrass control is available later in the growing season when a pre-emergent crabgrass control was missed, or proper mowing was not achieved.
Check out our crabgrass test that shows how mowing significantly impacts these controllable grassy weeds.

The best way to prevent lawn disease is to keep a lawn healthy through proper mowing, watering and fertilizing. Common lawn diseases like Red Thread Disease, Dollar Spot Disease and Rust Disease may infect lawns and require a lawn fungus treatment approach.
Super Green Lawn Service applies Disease Control to suppress turf disease symptoms with a three-application program, allowing a lawn to thrive.
Disease Control is applied in the spring, early summer and early fall to help protect your lawn from these unsightly turf diseases.

Yellow nutsedge is a troublesome, difficult-to-control weed that is often found in turf areas. It actively grows in the heat of summer. It is critical to control nutsedge early in the summer before it produces tubers. Yellow nutsedge is most problematic in turf that is thin or mowed too short, and it thrives in areas where soils remain moist.
Super Green Lawn Service begins Nutsedge Control when the weed starts to grow in the summer months.